"I want to see Luscher Farm preserved for our public's enjoyment and appreciation through the years to come"
Rudie Luscher

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Luscher Farm Design Charette 1/ 22/2011

Luscher Area Master Plan
Design Charette 1-22-11

This is to let you know that the Luscher Area Master Plan process begins on January 22nd. This is an important step in planning the future of Luscher Farm and the surrounding properties that make up the Luscher Area. The City of Lake Oswego's first step in this process is to have a Design Charette (workshop). This event will give the us an opportunity to discuss existing and future uses, location of amenities, and site opportunities and constraints.

It is important for the City and Consultants to understand the wide range interests of the community. Please plan on attending this event as we need representatives who will help plan a good future for Luscher Farm. Your participation and perspective is essential to making sure Luscher Farm continues to have the focus of community gardens, health, environmental education and restoration of wildife habitats.

The event will occur Saturday, January 22nd from 9:30 am to noon at the Lakeridge High School Cafeteria. The city's webpage is: http://www.luscherplan.org/.
Please plan to attend!