"I want to see Luscher Farm preserved for our public's enjoyment and appreciation through the years to come"
Rudie Luscher

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thumbs Down on New Master Plan for Luscher Farm

Hedgerow planted last year by CSA, Friends of Luscher Farm and Parks and Rec.
Hedgerow is just the beginning of restoring wildlife habitat.
This will be demolished with the new plan


Mayor Jack Hoffman jhoffman@ci.oswego.or.us
Councilor Mary Olson maolson@ci.oswego.or.us
Councilor Mike Kehoe mkehoe@ci.oswego.or.us
Councilor Jeff Gudman jgudman@ci.oswego.or.us
Councilor Bill Tierney btierney@ci.oswego.or.us
Councilor Donna Jordan djordan@ci.oswego.or.us
Councilor Sally Moncrieff smoncrieff@ci.oswego.or.us

We received the following email yesterday from Parks and Recreation Department. After reading and going over it thoroughly we cannot support this plan. Luscher Farm should never be brought into the UGB and shold actually have it's own special code.
Bringing it into the UGB will only enable the developers free access to our beloved Luscher Farm. Notice how Luscher Farm is not called Luscher farm, but rather Luscher Area. Please go online and comment and spread the word. The link is noted below. We are only given until July 10th to comment.
Did you provide comments on the Luscher Area Site Plan Yet?
On June 15, 2011 the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met to review the refined Luscher Area Site Plan. The meeting included a presentation on the background of the properties associated with the plan, the site plan and on the site design. Public comment was taken after the presentation. The Advisory Board took public comments and findings from system plan needs analysis into consideration and directed the design team to make site plan modifications.
To view these changes and provide your comments please visit the webpage at
The comment period will be available June 27, 2011 to July 10, 2011.
Thank you.
Ryan Stee
Parks Project Manager

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